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Öffnungszeiten: Montag-Donnerstag: 8:30 - 12:30 Uhr / 13:30 - 16:30 Uhr Freitag: 8:30 - 14:00 Uhr
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More than a standard CNC! The Black Edition CNC router is limited to 200 pc. for maximum creativity and much more power!
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MDF machine table Black Edition with aluminum T-slots M.1000 0,00 €
Aluminum T-slot table M.1000 +429,00 €
Vacuum Table M.1000 MDF +279,00 €
Vacuum Table M.1000 PE +629,00 €
igus dryspin threaded lead screw set M.1000 0,00 €
HIWIN Ball Screw Set M.1000 +699,00 €
Machine Stand M.1000 +879,00 €
Semi-Closed Loop System for M-Series +379,00 €
LED Illumination M.1000 +64,99 €
No Software 0,00 €
Control software WinPC-NC M-Series (USB) +199,00 €
Control software UCCNC M-Series (USB) +199,00 €
Control software UCCNC (Ethernet) M-Series +299,00 €
Electrical Kit Europe/Asia D-/M-Series 0,00 €
Electrical Kit North America D-/M-Series 0,00 €
STEPCRAFT Cleaning Set +13,99 €
Packingmaterial and pallet construction-kit M-Series 0,00 €